Gabriel M.


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My name is Gabriel Monteiro, and I am a master’s student funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) at the Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture of the University of São Paulo (Brazil). Currently, I’m finishing my M.Sc degree in Dr. Prof. Siu Mui Tsai’s group on the soil microbial carbon metabolism across tropical agroforests, with a particular emphasis on the dissolved organic matter molecular composition and its relation to microbial community function and assembly. I’ll also be starting my PhD at the International Max Planck School for Biogeochemical Cyles at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry under the supervision of apl. Prof. Gerd Gleixner.

Research interests

"Essentially, all life depends upon the soil. There can be no life without soil and no soil without life. They have evolved together." (C. Kellogg)

I am a soil microbial and chemical ecologist fascinated by plant-soil-microbes interactions. My goal as a (microbial) researcher is to explore the complex interactions between the aboveground plants and the belowground soil and microbes in tropical ecosystems in the context of climate change.


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selected publications

  1. Rhizosphere
    PGPg_finder: A comprehensive and user-friendly pipeline for identifying plant growth-promoting genes in genomic and metagenomic data
    Thierry Alexandre Pellegrinetti, Gabriel Gustavo Tavares Nunes Monteiro, Leandro Nascimento Lemos, and 3 more authors
    Rhizosphere, 2024